Last week the manager at South Pacific fabrics- a soft furnishing whole sale company, invited me into the showroom to look thru some of their new stuff. I often pop into South Pacific if I'm sourcing fabrics for a job, but this time I was able to stay long enough to have a proper look through.
Kath left the best to last to show me, almost as I was about to leave.
This is actually wallpaper by London designer Tracy Kendall. This was on display at the front door and I'd mistaken thought it was fabric.
It's classed as Bespoke wallpaper and is amazingly textural and tactile.
These actual jigsaw pieces hang off the backing and are attached with the little clear plastic tags like clothing tags.
Each layer of script is stitched on.
You can imagine this one fluttering in a breeze.
It think it's one of those finishes that in the right spot would be amazing and become the feature piece. It's also one of those things that makes you nervous to ask how much. I didn't, but I believe it's priced depending upon which wall paper you choose.